The Committee and Friends
Whixall Social Centre Committee Members
The Social Centre Committee members are all locals of Whixall. As Trustees of Whixall Social Centre we manage the trust on behalf of the villagers and Parish of Whixall. We are all volunteers and give up our time to maintain and upkeep the Social Centre for the benefit of Whixall Parish. As a registered charity we receive no local or government funding for the Social Centres upkeep. This is achieved by raising monies through hiring out the Social Centre for a variety of events and also through funds raised by Committee led events, such as the Dog Show and Bingo Evenings.
Friends of Whixall Social Centre
Friends of Whixall Social Centre are people who volunteer to assist the Committee in various ways without being a Committee member. They lend their expertise and assistance in helping run the various Committee led events that are put on. They also assist the Committee in other various ways ranging from Media support, IT advice to baking cakes and treats for events. Without their help the Committee would be hard pressed to run events. If you want to be a Friend of Whixall Social Centre then please look out for Committee run events and give any Committee member a call to volunteer your assistance.